In the fight against climate change, finding sustainable solutions for building decarbonization is crucial. One often overlooked resource that holds great potential is Eucalyptus. This fast-growing tree species not only has the ability to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere but also offers a range of environmental and socioeconomic benefits. Recently, BamCore published a white paper that explores the role of Eucalyptus as a driver for CO2 removal and building decarbonization, highlighting its unique properties and the advantages it brings to the construction industry.
Climate Change and Carbon Dioxide Removal
As the impacts of climate change become increasingly severe, addressing carbon dioxide emissions is more urgent than ever. While efforts to reduce emissions are essential, they are insufficient to limit global warming to safe levels. Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) strategies are essential to achieve the ambitious targets set by the Paris Agreement. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates that removing 100 to 1000 Gt CO2 by 2050 will be necessary to meet these targets.
Forests, which cover nearly one-third of the Earth's land mass and can sequester between 10 and 12 Gt of CO2 annually, emerge as an invaluable CDR mechanism, harboring substantial potential for decarbonizing the built environment. The incorporation of bio-based materials, which actively extract atmospheric carbon and sequester it within structures, is only now beginning to gain consideration. In light of the pressing demand for CDR solutions, prioritizing the utilization of rapidly growing fibers, as opposed to traditional, long-rotation species such as pine, spruce, and fir, becomes imperative.
Eucalyptus, with its admirable productivity and swift rotation periods, is the second most extensively planted tree worldwide. However, its merit as a feedstock for building materials often escapes notice. Thus, bringing attention to this underutilized resource becomes a vital strategy in our toolbox to mitigate the varied challenges induced by climate change.

The Environmental and Socioeconomic Benefits of Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus has several advantages over traditional long-rotation species like pine, spruce, and fir. Its fast growth rate and shorter rotation cycle make it a superior carbon capture tool. Moreover, Eucalyptus possesses the mechanical properties required for engineered wood products (EWPs), such as structural panels and cross-laminated timber. Research has shown that Eucalyptus is stronger than conventional softwoods, making it an ideal choice for sustainable building materials.
From an environmental perspective, Eucalyptus offers numerous benefits. It can tolerate low soil fertility and acidic soils, contribute to soil stabilization, and even reduce salination on degraded lands. Eucalyptus plantations can also function as foster ecosystems, promoting the regeneration of native species and providing habitats for biodiversity. Additionally, Eucalyptus trees can be used in agroforestry systems, increasing crop yields and helping to replenish above and below-ground organic matter.
Socioeconomically, Eucalyptus provides opportunities for rural farmers to generate income and serve as a buffer against financial crises. It is a high-value cash crop that can generate more income than many agricultural crops. The sale of Eucalyptus poles and products can help reduce poverty, increase food security, and diversify smallholder farming systems. Furthermore, the Eucalyptus industry creates job opportunities, with millions of direct and indirect jobs generated in countries like Brazil.
Addressing Misconceptions about Eucalyptus
Despite its many benefits, Eucalyptus has faced criticism and misconceptions. Two common misconceptions are related to its water use efficiency and its flammability. Contrary to popular belief, research has shown that Eucalyptus is actually a water-efficient crop, with a high water use efficiency when compared to biomass production. Additionally, while Eucalyptus trees are flammable, they are not more flammable than other popular plantation species when considering volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in their leaves. The use of Eucalyptus in building materials, with leaves removed and VOCs removed through drying processes, has been shown to have lower flame spread ratings compared to other sawnwoods.

Conclusion: Eucalyptus an Advantageous Resource for Building Decarbonization
Eucalyptus presents a sustainable and innovative solution for building decarbonization. With its fast growth rate, high carbon capture potential, and superior mechanical properties, Eucalyptus is an ideal choice for engineered wood products and other sustainable building materials. The environmental and socioeconomic benefits it brings, along with its ability to contribute to carbon dioxide removal, make it a powerful tool in the fight against climate change. By embracing Eucalyptus as a driver for CO2 removal and building decarbonization, we can create a more sustainable and resilient future for the construction industry.
To learn more, please review the full white paper here: Eucalyptus: An Overlooked Resource to Drive CO2 Removal and Building Decarbonization